Saturday, April 19, 2014



        You may recall some time ago, long before my lengthy Rumbelle picture post a couple of weeks ago, I once had an original Rumbelle blog post that explained what Rumbelle is, what shipping is, and which began endeavoring to explain just why I am so obsessed with them. Then, you may recall, that tragically, this post was accidentally deleted. I attempted to restore it from my memory, and I posted this the week following, but I still wished I could find the original of it. As trivial as it may seem, I actually prayed about it. Sometimes I pray about really weird and relatively trivial things. But sometimes, you never know what prayers God will answer, or when He will answer them. I had thought that this one wasn't going to be answered and that I'd never see my original Rumbelle post again, but I had reconciled myself with this and had accepted that my restoration was probably the best I was going to do. In short, I had given up. I had allowed myself to fall under the delusion that it was possible for something to be permanently deleted from the internet. For most people, it seems, they would rather this was possible, but for me, I was overjoyed to discover that it's not.
        You see, for Composition, we're beginning our persuasive writing unit, and we were talking about how there are more than two sides to every argument, and we were looking at this case with this teacher named Natalie Munroe who apparently griped about her students on her blog. I decided I wanted to know more about this, and so I googled her, and I was reading some things about her. Her original, student-griping blog, it seems, had been deleted, but I saw a newer blog of hers, and it actually made her seem a lot more normal and human to read her blogging, and it better explained her mindset and things. In any wise, I started looking at other articles about her, and in one, it mentioned how her old blog stuff could still be found from cached versions.
        I wanted to know more about these cached versions. I may have given up on getting my original Rumbelle post, you see, but I had not forgotten, and this had re-sparked my hope. I found this article: and I was beggining to get excited. Forget Natalie Munroe; there was a chance I could get my lost blog post back! I went into my blogger reading feed thingy, opened the link that once led to my Rumbelle post, and took the URL. The first time I tried, I typed cache:htttp://, and this didn't work, much to my dismay. But then, I realized, upon looking further at the article, you weren't supposed to type in all the http://www. business. So, I just typed in cache: and copy-pasted the URL of my lost post, and I could not believe my eyes. There she lay, the mystical lost blog post of Rumbelle. I immediately took an onslaught of screenshots of it, as though it might slip away as easily as I might blink, and I now have a folder containing 48 screenshots of my blogpost. To be fair, though, I had to scroll about three times to get the whole post, so it's not as if it's the same exact screenshot over and over 48 times. But it did not disappear as I blinked. I had planned on reposting it here tonight, but as it turned out, I still had the empty, content-deleted post that was once my post that was now scarcely preserved in cache-form saved in my posts as a draft. So, I was able to restore not only the original content of the post, but to restore it with the original time-date stamp. I did have to fix some formatting things when I copy-pasted it back, but the content's all the same.
        So, if you'd like, you can see the cached form of the most original post here: (which seems to reroute to here: but the other one's shorter and seems to work just as well.) Then, you can see the restoration here: which is a different URL because I did retitle it but it's still the same post. And, if you'd like, you can see my attempt at restoring this post from my memory but from mostly scratch here: Compare them. Contrast them. Evaluate my mental soundness based upon them. Oh, and if you have no clue what I'm talking about, it's explained here:
        But you know, from that night when I first lost my post and prayed that I could get it back, God knew that I would find it now and in this way. He knew I would feel the desire to google Natalie Munroe, and then to read that one more article about her before getting back on task even though I'd said that three articles ago, and then that I'd stumble upon that article about finding cached versions of webpages, and then that, on a whim of fleeting hope, I'd try it for my Rumbelle post, and that I'd find it and be praising Him, here on the eve of Easter. It's pretty amazing. And so, now if you need to find a long-lost post, you too know how to access the cached version.
        Beyond the violet mist, we have been blessed with the return of the lost Rumbelle post. 

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