The Best from the Rumbelle Archives
I've gotten into the habit of having a post each week that seems to be a "picture post" of sorts, in which I mainly post pictures and give them captions and explanations. It was never something I actually sat down and decided to do, but I think it's kind of a nice habit that's come about and it's really a nice way to keep my blog visually interesting and give a little balance to all the text, and also it's a more directed post for me because usually I just have a little something to say about each picture (after the intro) so it really keeps me moving and on a track, of sorts. In the spirit of this, I have decided this week to share with you, my dear "blog readership", some of the best pictures from my rather extensive "Rumbelle" folder, which presently contains a grand total of 171 pictures of the beautiful, lovely couple. Hitherto, pictures of Rumbelle, or of Rumpelstiltskin or Belle individually, made up probably at least half of my screensaver slideshow, which contains 570 items (though 171 is not near half of 570, I also have a separate Belle & Rumpel folder which consists of pictures of Belle and of Rumpelstiltskin individually, and which contains 278 items, though not all items from my B & R folder and my Rumbelle folder are in my slideshow folder). I say hitherto, though, because after watching last week's episode, I was no longer able to look at my Once-themed screensaver slideshow, because it was so painful. I know I have previously said that I never lose hope that characters on Once aren't really dead, because they are so good at bringing them back, but last week's episode made that tragedy seem awfully final. There was just so much falling action and all the character's reactions to it, it made it seem so much more irrevocable. I don't know for certain; all I knew was that I needed to spend some time not thinking about Once after that, and so I changed my screensaver initially to a serene image of a tree-lined lake and then, as I have gotten so used to having a slideshow it has gotten hard to go back, I made a short (32 pictures, which is much shorter than nigh 600) slideshow of pretty nature pictures of lakes, forests, and trails. I figure it's probably good to wean myself off the Once just a smidge, since, if you have been reading my blog, you have likely inferred that I have been just an eensy bit obsessed. On Tuesday (I changed my screensaver Sunday), I think I was in a bit of withdrawal, though, because I couldn't help but add back in one picture of Rumbelle. All week I've found myself waiting through my slideshow just to stare at that one little picture until the minute is up and the slide changes to a beautiful fall forest scene.
I shall now present you with a selection of some of my favorite Rumbelle pictures from my expansive archives. These are all from various sources on the internet and accumulated over the course of some time. A few of them are repeats and have been posted on my blog before, but a good Rumbelle picture never gets old. And so, without further ado, I present to you all the spoils of my little obsession.
That wonderful moment as they lean in for their first kiss...
Might I add that Belle's hairstyle is really cool here, too? (Not to mention Rumpel's ;) )
Approximately 30 years and a curse later, Belle and Rumpel on a cute and fun-looking little picnic in a sunny corner of his shop in their brief appearance in "the Cricket Games".
It's okay, I'll get used to it.
Belle does a little redecorating....
In this instance, it is Rumpel who redecorates for Belle. He gives her a library twice. I would like a guy to give me an epic library in a fantastical castle...
Back from a sojourn to Neverland
It's a big library, with nice tall windows.
he looks kind of small and sad there. That was when he didn't know where she was... But he's so sweet :)
I've had this gorgeous "ballroom scene" picture before
but he's such a good character, despite being a murderous lunatic! And Belle brings out the good in him.
I like these collages because they show multiple sides of their relationship at once.
I find a lot of these "Believe" posters online. These are all the Rumbelle one's I've found so far. I like these posters. I'm not sure if they're some official thing, or if it's just a trend and people make them, but they're cool and really go well with all the deep themes of Once.
hehehe :)
I found one site that had all these gifs that are parallels between the original Disney movie and Once. It's really cool how they overlayed them together.
I feel like in this picture it looks like they're announcing they've been engaged. Which needs to happen. As soon as we can get all this Zelena business worked out...
But the only one I want to take is where we're together...
Rumpel was sooo close to proposing there! I wish he had... I guess we'll get to it.
I like when people put the ever-symbollic rose in these Rumbelle pictures. It just makes them that much more lovely.
Just chattin' together.
This was actually some blog's background--another neat collage.
Not anymore, Rumpel! Because Belle loves you anyways.
I love how they look like they're conspiring here :)
making excuses hehehe :)
such a beautiful scene...
It was hard to like Hook at first, with him threatening the most awesome people in the show. At least he's better now.
The first hug...
...and the first kiss. (another one of those overlayed with the original movie).
and another kiss
plus some nice dancing :) I wonder how they got this picture. Have the actors actually danced together? Was there some kind of photo shoot? Is this just, like, the most amazing photoshop job ever?
a cheery note :) hehehe cute giggling moment
I hadn't thought of that, but he kind of does. Aw :)
a collage of hugs
I don't even know what language that's in, but the picture is cool
There are such lovely Rumbelle collages! I love the roses they added, and also the lamposts, and the lighting/coloring of the pictures.
I need to speed this up so I'm going to try jumping around and only captioning the ones that need it. By the way, when I last posted this picture, in my original Rumbelle shipping post, and then in my restoration of that post, I said I didn't know what the caption meant, which then I didn't, but I have since learned that it means "alternative universe fan fiction", which is where fans write about Rumpel and Belle together but change major plot elements of the story in Once. It's an interesting, and perhaps tempting, idea.
This is the first picture from Once that I saw and decided to save. It then became a folder for just Rumbelle, and from there a folder for Once with a Rumbelle sub-folder. But this is the collage I found that I just had to save. It holds such emotions.
wouldn't it be cool if there was actually a cup like that? It might be distracting, though, if you, like, tried to drink from it. That could be awkward. It'd have to only be a display piece.
This one's in Italian. I actually typed it all into google translate to learn what it said.
Like dancing...
I love all the applying of song lyrics to them... It shows how classic it is yet how original it is.
but he found it :D
more lovely picnicking
Belle, helping Rumpel make the right choices.
They make each other so happy!
Peace has been made. I don't remember seeing this in the show, so it must really be the actors?
These two are consecutive screenshots from a video. I like how they work together to show the passing of the rose and both their smiles.
They smile so much around each other :) It makes us smile, too. And sigh lovingly.
Meaning, I still love you!
Oh, that scene hurts. But she's so strong. And she's right, at least for circa 30 years.
even if it is just a dream, it's lovely.
There are so many good song lyrics to apply to them!
That tragic, beautiful phone conversation... But you just can't kill Rumpel!! :D
Whoever made this is an incredible artist. It's so beautiful!
It's in Russian but all of us who know the scene know exactly what lines they're saying.
Go Belle!
Beyond the violet mist, we can't get enough Rumbelle! and we wish Zelena would just stop messing with us and let Rumpel go, so that he can be with Belle, and also we want Bae's death to turn out to be fake not only so that they can be a family again (or for the first time really), but also so that he can be with Emma and Hook can be with someone else because he's a nice guy, really, but the show is just forcing Emma and Hook together too hard, though maybe they'll bring the wizard of Oz back into the fray now, but it doesn't really matter so long as Emma is with Bae and Rumpel is with Belle and Zelena can go work out her own issues and Rumbelle can get married and all the conditions I have established in this lengthy (but not run-on) sentence and in my mind beyond this are met.
Beyond the violet mist, we are enamoured with the enamourment of Rumpelstiltskin and Belle, and we just want them to be happy. And for everything to turn out how we want it to. And for Bae to be alive. Just because there was a funeral, there's no guarantee he's actually dead; just ask Archie!
Beyond the violet mist, we are enamoured with the enamourment of Rumpelstiltskin and Belle, and we just want them to be happy. And for everything to turn out how we want it to. And for Bae to be alive. Just because there was a funeral, there's no guarantee he's actually dead; just ask Archie!
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