A Coronation
~of sorts~
(Compilation/collage of images from http://dorcashan.blogspot.com/2009/11/florence.html, http://maries-jewels-royals.blogspot.com/2013_04_01_archive.html, and http://www.asheville-mountain-magic.com/blue-ridge-parkway-tour-2.html)
I mean... an actual, live/recent photograph of Queen Vivian the First of the Lande beyond the violet mist at this, the formal Coronation Ceremonies of now-Crown Princess Vivian the Second of the Lande.
Or perhaps Empress Josephine of France portraying Crown Princess Vivian the Second and Queen Alexandra of Great Britain portraying Queen Vivian the First.
Or some combination thereof.
Click the image if you wish to be better able to make out its features, which are small and vague in its current state but which are much clearer when it is larger.
~Let The Blog Post / Coronation Begin~
Welcome, loyal subjects of this Lande beyond the violet mist, dedicated residents, followers, and students who are not formally subjects, friendly onlookers from other realms, unicorn conspirists and foreign spies, disloyal subjects of the Lande, and random strangers who have no idea precisely upon what they've stumbled! (In exactly that order of welcome.) For those of you who are not aware what you are attending, this is the grande Coronation of our new Princess and Heir to the Lande and to this wondrous Blog! I, Queen Vivian the First, present to you, Lady Vivian the Second.
still portrayed by Empress Josephine, from http://www.1st-art-gallery.com/Antoine-Jean-Gros/Josephine-Tasher-De-La-Pagerie-1763-1814-Empress-Of-The-French-Gazing-At-A-Bust-Of-Her-Son-Eugene-De-Beauharnais-1781-1824-At-Malmaison.html
Hello, people of this great Lande beyond the violet mist! Thank you, Queen Vivian the First, for the splendid introduction. I am indeed Lady Vivian the Second, and today I am here to announce that I am being formally Coronated as the rightful royal Heir to the rule of this grand and mysterious Lande and to this much-beloved Blog. This is officially my first post upon this marvelous Blog. You see, hitherto this Lande has been reigned over solely by our fair lady Vivian the First (this blog has been attached solely to my school e-mail address), but yesterday I came of age to receive the crown (I have made some inquiries, and as I feared, our school e-mails will be deleted upon our departure, or shortly thereafter, that is--some time in June is all I know. I was, however, informed as to how to transfer ownership of my blog, and after some technical difficulties yesterday, today (a couple of days ago now) I finally succeeded in adding my personal e-mail as an administrator of this, my beloved blog). While Queen Vivian the First shall retain full rule and shall still have the final say in all matters of state, I shall now join her in this grand Office of the Royal Arbitration of the Lande in order to become acquainted with the running and procedures of this great Lande, that I may justly and wisely rule when the day, be it long hence, comes that Queen Vivian the First is no longer able to rule and I take on the title of Queen Vivian the Second. (Obviously, I'm not going to remove my school e-mail before I must, but now I have the security of having my personal e-mail as the heir to my mystical blog, poised and ready to inherit it at the time the e-mail which founded the blog fails). I hope that many more wondrous things shall transpire in this Lande during the reign of our fair lady and current Queen, and that they shall continue to go on once I am the sole bearer of this crown. (The bloggin' ain't (improper modern usage) over yet!)
And so, now, I accept this lovely and fantastical crown, handed down from ancient days in this Lande:
and with it the formal title of Crown Princess of the Lande and co-executor of the Reign of this Lande and co-authorship of this blog, to aid and serve as a fellow ruler to our fair Queen Vivian the First so long as she shall endure.
By taking this title I hereby announce and proclaim that I am willing and able to serve the great and noble Lande that lays hidden here beyond the violet mist not only by my Queen's side but, and may the day be very long hence, when she shall pass and I shall take the formal title of Queen Vivian the Second. And so I pledge to you, my dear subjects, non-native residents, and blog readership, that I shall serve, justly rule, and caringly maintain this Lande and the blog thereof. I present to you, once more, your Queen Vivian the First for the closing of the ceremonies. Long live the Queen! (At least until some time in June, when her health shall tragically fail :'( That will probably be another blog post.)
Still portrayed by Queen Alexandra, http://maries-jewels-royals.blogspot.com/2013_04_01_archive.html
<Thunderous applause, chants of "long live the Queen!" and "long live the Crown Princess. As the Queen begins to speak, they quiet>
Your Crown Princess, Vivian the Second! <more applause and joyous shouts> This Lande has a long and glorious history, and its legacy can now safely rest with my strong and capable Heir, Vivian the Second. She is not indeed my daughter, but rather my closest and dearest friend, and I trust her as I trust myself. (Because she is, in fact myself; this is still the same person, just under a different account. I guess I could make one account the daughter of the other, but logistically, my personal e-mail developed more independently of my school e-mail, and just personally it makes more sense for me to be my friend than my own daughter. All right, so this is getting a little weird.
(Anyways, to keep things straight, for now I have changed the blogging "display name" of the Vivi from my personal e-mail to "Vivi 2" (at least I think I did) so that way you can all differentiate Vivian the First from Vivian the Second, not that it particularly matters, since either way it's still me, the person whose real name you'll just have to keep guessing (if you don't already know), just under different accounts, and I think after Vivian the First "passes on" I'll change it to just plain Vivi again. Both my e-mails are under the blogging name of "Vivi" rather by accident, actually, because one day I was logging into my blogger
and I didn't realize which e-mail was logged in, and so, because my personal e-mail had not yet set up a blogger, it asked me for my blogging name, and I thought I needed to log in again or something, so I typed in Vivi, but then I realized I had made a new blogger under my personal e-mail and I sort of went "oops. Oh well." So, thus was the grand birth of Vivian the Second.
(Actually, I never really thought of them as Vivian before this post, I was just thinking that Vivi wasn't really a formal enough name for royalty at a coronation, and then I thought, well, Vivi is usually short for Vivian. I think Vivian is actually a very royal-sounding name, indeed, a lovely name for a Queen and a Crown Princess of a mysterious Lande beyond the violet mist, so it's rather a pleasant accident that it worked out that Vivian could be their full first name. I like how I'm still referring to both my accounts as "them". I guess that, while they're just my blogging names, at the same time they've become my characters, which is more evident in a more story-like post like this one than in a more personal post, like, say, "why I hate driving" which is actually about me and not about the Vivi's. This post is sort of like Metafiction, I'm realizing. At least I think it is. I'm writing a story but at the same time I'm explaining what's going on in the real world. My parenthetical notes could pretty much be separated out into a post of their own explaining what's really going on separate of this story post, but then again, I like the way that this is like two stories at once, with one story "in front" and outside of the parentheses, like a façade, and then these hitherto short breaks in the story explaining what this is all a metaphor of, the behind-the-scenes reality of it. I feel so... metafictional. And now, after this lengthy interruption of metafictional third-wall-breaking (or is it fourth? I'm still working on these modern terms), we return to the Coronation occurring at the Grande Library Palace in the Lande beyond the violet mist)
And so it is with the utmost confidence that I name Vivian the Second, Crown Princess and Heir to the Throne and Blog. I take it now as my solemn duty to carefully train her and ready her for the day when she shall instead wear this crown which I now bear, the crown of the Queen of the Lande:
<fancy fanfare sounds dramatically>
May our Reign and Blogging together be long, joyous, and splendid. When the day comes and this crown passes into the hands of my successor, I am confidant that she will bear it well. (I think/hope this transition will work well. My biggest concern, probably, is that all my picture posts from the Vivi 1 account will be lost, because the site that explained how to transfer the ownership of a blog (https://support.google.com/blogger/answer/41448?hl=en, with thanks to Mrs. Klenke, the person to whom my inquiries were directed and who linked me to this article, which is indeed quite useful if you, like me, must transfer your blog from one e-mail to another. Perhaps I should have made Mrs. Klenke the crown-bearer in the ceremony or something) and so this site warns, "photos uploaded with Account 1 will break if that account is deleted. If you want your old photos to display after adding Account 2, you'll have to leave Account 1 active." So, since I am not able to keep 'account 1' aka Vivian the First aka the original Vivi 'active', I fear the pictures might disappear from my older posts or something. All that I can think of to do in order to save them would be to download all the pictures from my older posts. Since the text shouldn't go away, Vivian the Second would be able to add the pictures back in, so this shouldn't be that huge of a problem, just potentially tedious.) Onward from hence, the Lande beyond the violet mist shall be collaboratively ruled and blogged by Queen Vivian the First and Crown Princess Vivian the Second. In celebration of these momentous events, a magnificent reception shall now be held in the Grande Library to which this palace is attached, featuring the Utterly Luxilliquant Royal Chocolate Cake that is only made for official ceremonies.
That's our Royal Chef de Pâtisserie, François. He really knows how to make a cake.
and individual slices look like this
and the center of the cake is like this
You know you want some. ;)
<a rampaging mob of people sprints out, overjoyed at the chance to share in this sumptuous and rare creation. The Queen shouts over the clamor> Please proceed in an orderly manner! Remember, the Queen and Crown Princess eat first! <the crowd grudgingly slows down a notch, though it is still far from calm> (mostly because I wanted to remind you all that the Lande beyond the violet mist isn't just some fuddy-duddy old-fashioned realm. It is olde fashioned, but it's also incredibly epic, crazy, and unpredictable. Sort of like a certain blogger who is writing this sentence in a very suggestive third person. Hint hint. ;) <is currently laughing loudly at self>. It's the kind of Lande where the palace is in the back of the Library. And I also added this bit because I love chocolate and I really want to eat this fantastical cake right now. I apologize for making you all hungry.) <The Queen and Crown Princess proceed proudly out of the grand hall, their elegant, resplendant gowns rustling softly behind them, their crowns shining magnificently upon their heads, and, after curtseying politely to the people, they take their place at the front of the line and receive their wondrous cake, eating it with extreme care so as not to dirty either of their gowns, Vivian the First's a sunny gold and Vivian the Second's a soft sky blue. The metaphorical camera through which you blog readership have been viewing these events pans backwards, out through the vast library, in which you see seemingly endless rows of books and what can be reckoned to be hundreds of elegant cats, until the picture fades out as the violet mist overtakes its vision, the scene obscured behind the almost-solid, vividly luminescing violet mist.> (By the way, I am acting under the impression that these things <> mean something like "stage directions" or something like that. That's as far as I know.)
<fade-out voice-over dramatic-ness in the strong, full voice of the Queen> Presenting to you (via metafiction, or something like that) the Crowned Princess and Royal Heir to the glorious and mysterious Lande beyond the violet mist, I, Queen Vivian the First, formally bring you, Vivian the Second.