Saturday, March 22, 2014


Cute Things,
and in particular cats :)

        Sometimes, one just needs to look at some cute pictures. I have a quite a few folders on the desktop of my laptop, and within them are a great deal more folders. Most likely my fullest folder is the one I have entitled "screensavers", as originally it contained only pictures that I was using for my screensavers, but anyways, it also contains a folder called "bonus", and in that folder is a variety of sub-folders where I keep all my pictures, probably 90 percent of which are random things I've found on the internet. One of the folders therein is entitled "KITTIES!! and other cute things", and it's where I keep my cute pictures, and a while ago today I was just looking at it and I went, hey, this could be the third blog post I need. So, this post is pretty much going to be me spamming my own blog with a plethora of mostly-cat cute pictures. Enjoy :)

Sometimes cuteness and humor go quite well together :) Both can make you smile.

I think this was from that article on cats in the shape of hearts that was my "kitty cat of the month" thing for February.

I've spent quite some time looking at breeders' sites for Norwegian forest cats, and so quite a few of these pics are of adorable baby wegies from such sites, including this beautiful little calico. 

By the way, I found all these pictures on the internet and none of them are mine. I don't know who made this, but it's an amazing piece of artwork, and I actually have it in my art folder as well. I just think it's so beautiful, and it is just a lovely picture of a kitty :)

also from the cats with hearts article I had up for Valentine's day

another pretty calico wegie

That awkward moment when your cat realizes it's not a bird. 

A few of these actually came from my search for my first "kitty cat of the month" once this became my Creative Writing blog, thus all the writing-themed kitties.

Another from that heart-kitty article

A couple more writing kitties

This is actually something I found on the blog of someone else in our creative writing class, and I liked it a lottle too much not to have it in my cuteness folder, and thence in this post.

This is a Pallas cat. They're not a domestic cat, but they're small like them. I first came across Pallas cats in my "Encyclopedia of Cats" I got one Christmas (which actually I still haven't found since we moved). It was mostly about domestic cats and information on them and breeds and things, but it also contained a section on wild cats, including the Pallas cat. I just saw the pictures and thought they were sooo cute :) and so now there are a bunch of pictures of them in my folder, too. I think this joke is referring to the fact that their legs are rather short. Or perhaps the kitty is asking for more chicken legs to eat. I can't say for certain... 

Makes me laugh and think of Composition every time. Hehehe kitties know best :)

more adorable Pallas kitties :) Their big eyes always make them look so surprised. And so cute!!

I'm not even sure I get what a plot bunny is, but this kitty is one of my writer buddies :)

Such a pretty calico wegie :)

This was from another article in my blog's monthlies on "reasons cats are taking over the world". Its caption said something about how elusive they are. It's another adorable gif kitty 

I would love to read this book

These are my current kitties of the month, as it so happens

Somehow this makes me think of Gollum from Lord of the Rings. You could just see this kitty cradling the ring...

Not everyday can one combine a cat and a Chuck Norris joke.


like a burrito. Om nom. (another non-domestic cat, in this case a lynx)

Also from the heart  article

This one's a munchkin kitty hehe :)

Sooo little!

also some adorableness from my classmate's blog. I just can't stop giddily giggling when I see it. 

Wow, this post got long! And that's not even the whole folder. But here beyond the violet mist, we love to share the cute, and thus the smiles.

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