Saturday, March 29, 2014

factions in brief

and the age-old question of classifying oneself
in brief

      I actually have another post about Divergent in the works, which it has been for a couple of weeks now, (well, this is only the second week,) but I just thought I could do a quick, brief, 11-o'clock-on-Saturday-style blog post on what faction(s) I'd be in under the classification system of Divergent. I also sort of generally wanted to mention how we always find classification systems, and books that use them, so appealing and intriguing and how we as people always apply them to ourselves. So, it's now extremely nigh midnight. I'm somewhere between Erudite because I'm a book nerd and I am enamoured with reading and I love to learn, and Amity because I believe that Love is the meaning of the universe since God is Love (I John 4:8. I think) and so this is closest to the Amity philosophy. I'll disscusss this all more later. Must needs post.
      Beyond the violet mist, we place high values on intellect and love. 

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