The Return of Once!!!
Once Upon a Time is coming back this Sunday!!
Update: That’s tomorrow now!
As you might possibly have gathered from many of my previous blog posts and the past two monthly 'something awesome's, I've become rather fond of Once. Meaning to say slightly obsessed. I can hardly believe it's been months already since my drama class introduced me to Once Upon a Time! It's become pretty much my official favorite television show of ever. We (my mom and I) have officially watched the entire series through twice as of today, and some episodes more than that. Skin Deep, for example, or the episode that establishes Rumbelle, I have literally watched five (or was it six?) times. It was the first episode I rewatched, actually. In the course of rewatching, I’ve even gotten behind on White Collar, which I formerly would have probably called my favorite show. It’s funny how Once is so very good it makes other shows seem somewhat less good by comparison. Not to say I don’t like White Collar anymore, because I do still like it very much, it’s just not my number one anymore, and re-watching Once became higher on my to-do list than watching new episodes of White Collar. I guess I’ve just always been a fan of fantasy, but as a genre it seems to be more widely available in books and movies than it is in T.V. series, and at any rate most of the T.V. series I’ve watched probably fall under the category of mystery, such as White Collar, which, mystery is like my second favorite genre. Once is probably the first real fantasy T.V. series I’ve found and watched, and it’s truly just about the best T.V. series I can imagine, what with the way it so beautifully explores fairytales and goes so far beyond them to make such a compelling fantasy series with so many intriguing plot lines and such incredible character development and so many other amazing things. And so I’m quite excited for it’s return Sunday (or now tomorrow)!!! Plus, like most everyone who has been watching the series, I desperately need to find out what happens next!
This brings me to the real point of this blog post: my hopes for the return of the show. First and most obviously, I do not believe for a second Rumpel is actually dead. There is not an inkling of a way that the show could get rid of him and still be at all a decent show. As I said in my monthly ‘something awesome’ this month (at left), and as I’ve said elsewhere, though I can’t recall where (later I looked back and realized it was in my blog post on fantasy worlds) if the show tried to get rid of Rumpel, “hordes of angry fans, including me, would storm their metaphorical castle in which they write Once and force them to bring him back. He’s too quintessential to the show, and he’s just too awesome of a character!” and they must bring him back, “else mobs of fans storm the castle-esque dwelling or wherever of the writers of Once inhabit and force them to bring him back. We need Rumpel <3 :).” (the first quote is the one from my post on fantasy worlds, and the second one is my re-iteration of it in my monthly ‘something awesome’. Is it really necessary to quote both of these and re-iterate it here again? Yes, yes it is absolutely necessary.) I mean, we didn’t even actually see him die. A good quote from my... “research” on Once last night I found was by someone named Kate on, and there she cleverly observed, “We only assume that Rumple died because he thought he had to, and then he disappeared.” It’s very true. It’s a conclusion we’re supposed to reach, but it’s not in any way proven that Rumpel’s dead. So clearly, he’s not.
I mean, almost no one on Once is ever actually dead (and as I said in “fantasy worlds”, that’s part of why I love it so dearly). The show did fool me with Jimny in the Cricket Games, and I believed for a while he was dead, but then when he came back, I learned to never fall for someone actually being dead in Once again. I didn’t even believe the blue fairy was dead, because I’ve learned better. Also, when Belle lost her memories (which was almost like sort of killing her character), my mom thought she’d never get them back, but I knew she would eventually, though it took longer than I first thought. Really, this show is all about hope, which fits me well, because I’ve always been an optimist. It really does kind of bug me when I say I’m sure things will be alright in a show and people are like, “I wouldn’t be so sure. Just don’t get your hopes up.” I guess I understand that some people like to believe the worst so that they can be surprised when things turn out better than they expected and so that if they don’t they aren’t utterly destroyed, but I personally must always believe the best. I live with my hopes up. It's like that song, don't bring me down. And like I said, this show is all about the hope of a happy ending, and I don’t doubt that there shall be many happy endings. Regardless, I have no doubt that Rumpel’s not dead.
Where he is, though, I am not sure. He and his despicable, evil, cruel, unloving, worst-villain-on-the-show-so-far papa disapparated in Storybrooke, but then a little while later, Storybrooke itself disapparated. So I’m not sure whether Rumpel was transported back to the Enchanted Forest with the counter curse, or whether he’ll suddenly re-apparate in the forest that once was Storybrooke, or whether he’s been transported somewhere else entirely. I find myself hoping that he’ll actually be back in the Enchanted Forest and back in his old form. I like him in his human/Mr. Gold form alright, but I want to see him in his giddy imp form again. I miss him running around almost skipping and giggling constantly and grinning all the time and just generally being the awesome Rumpelstiltskin we all know and love. I know it’s a form more associated with his being evil, but I think he could be in that form and non-evil and be happy. Of course, when he and Belle get back together (again, I say ‘when’ and not ‘if’ with utmost confidence. THERE SHALL BE RUMBELLE!!!!!!) I suppose he’ll turn back human and all, but maybe they can find a way for him not to. Even if they don’t find a way, I’d be happy with Rumpel just being back to a jubilant imp-creature for an episode or two and then finding Belle again and turning back human. He can still have his magic and kiss her, right? I mean, it worked in storybrooke. Even if he stops being the Dark One because of the true love’s kiss, he can at least still have some magic, like Regina and Cora, neither of whom was born magical and who learned magic by studying it and not by stabbing anyone and stealing their powers. Even if for some odd, illogical reason, the writer-people decided he couldn’t be magical and have Belle, Belle is more important than his magic, and he knows that now, and so I guess it’d be okay if he lost his magic. Though, man, that would be really weird, having a non-magical Rumpelstiltskin.
So they will get together again, and at some point there will be a wedding. I mean, he almost proposed to her in the scene where they’ve all just come back on the boat from Neverland and he said that of all the paths his life could take, the only one he’s interested in is the one with her. I was very much wishing that he would propose in that moment, but even without a proposal, it was still a beautiful moment. I’ll be so happy when they do get married, though. Oh, that’ll be such a beautiful wedding! I found this picture on the internet last night (Friday) when I was starting to write this post but I was still mostly doing “research” aka perusing the internet and its Once-related contents. It could totally be a picture of Rumbelle dancing together at their wedding:
from found via google images, as usual.
So, yes, eventually I do hope things get figured out again enough for Rumpel and Belle to get married, and then possibly have a child. Oo, and while we were re-watching that somewhat horrid (after all, it does kind of manage to ruin everything everyone’s been working for for so long) but still enthralling mid-season finale on hulu today, there was a cat food commercial that featured this song: which made me think of Rumbelle (yes, I know I’m obsessed) and so I could see them dancing to this song at their wedding, and/or in the pictures below. But I mean, really, this song fits Rumbelle better than cat food. Just saying. It also reminds me of these other beautiful pictures of Rumbelle:
This seems like what Rumbelle would've been like at their prom, if they ever had a prom.
coincidentally the same picture on a different background, from
As prom night continued, they apparently moved to somewhere that looks an awful lot like one of the historical sites we visited on one of our field trips in Virginia. Is that Monticello, perhaps?
from, the same picture as the very first thrown in with some other pictures, entitled, "the iconic ballroom dance"
They just need to dance already! And have a wedding, and a child. Probably in that order, though the dance may be included in the wedding.
So, other than Rumbelle, do I have any hopes for this coming half-season? Well, I guess just generally that those crazy, plotting people who write this show fix everything they managed to mess up, which is everything. Obviously, Emma and Henry will have to somehow get their memories back. Then I suppose they’ll have to go to the Enchanted Forest and have adventures there and deal with whatever tragedy it is that has apparently befallen Snow and Charming. I do hope Emma and Henry get to see Rumpel in his giddy imp form, because neither of them has ever met him in what is really his coolest form. I think that’d be neat, for Henry to get to see the fun, crazy version of his grandpa he’s never seen. I think Emma will be quite put off to find that the calm, practically demure Mr. Gold is really Rumpelstiltskin, how he is. I mean, she knows he’s Rumpelstiltskin, but she doesn’t hardly know who Rumpelstiltskin is, at least not how her parents know him. I think Emma will be a little perturbed to see him like that, but I think Henry will find his grandpa pretty cool. At least I would. But I’d be Belle, so anyways. Then, they’ll all go off on adventures, and then Emma will get back with Neal. I know a lot of people seem to want Emma with Hook, but I don’t. It’s not at all that I don’t like Hook, because I really do, although he did get off on the wrong foot with me by going against Rumpel, who is still my favorite guy on the show. I’ve always kind of liked pirates, and I think Hook is cool and nice and fun and dashing and all that, but I simply don’t want him with Emma. Emma and Neal just belong together. I could go into a lengthy argument about the many reasons why, but that’d be a blog post of it’s own, and so here I’ll simply say the hugest reason I want them together: not only are they lovely and sweet together, they’re Henry’s parents. They’ve had a child together. Everyone seems to overlook that as a reason, but it’s huge. They had a child together, and intentional or not, in doing so they made a commitment to one another to be together. It is a fundamental belief of mine that the parents of a child belong together and ought to stay together. Enough said.
That’s the bulk of what I want in the coming half of a season of Once Upon a Time. I want Rumpel alive, back in his jubilant imp form, at least for a while, I want Rumbelle to get married and possibly have a child, I want Emma and Henry to recover their memories, travel to the Enchanted Forest, meet Rumpel in his old, not-exactly-human form, have adventures together, Emma to reunite with Neal and maybe have a fairytale wedding in the Enchanted Forest, then, hey, maybe Henry could even get a new sibling! Then they could go on pirate adventures together on their dad’s friend Killian’s ship, and Killian/Hook could be together with someone else, because I do definitely want Hook to be happy with someone (just not Emma). Sometimes I almost think he and Regina would do well together.
I mean, I know they’re trying to set up Regina and Robin Hood, and... maybe it could work. It just feels a little too... predestined to me. I don’t like the sense that she’s being told who to love. It’s not a natural love, where they casually meet and fall in love of their own accord. Plus, I think Robin Hood and Mulan would be better together. I mean, they’re both the same sort of person, and I think they could be epic warriors for good together and in the course of doing so fall in love, and Mulan does need somebody now that Phillip has committed to being with Aurora. I felt so bad for Mulan when that happened, though I wish Aurora and Phillip all the best. I know that feeling, of having a crush on a guy and then finding out he’s already with someone, and it sucks. I know that feeling several times over. So I definitely feel for Mulan and I deeply hope she can find happiness with someone else. Someone who’s a warrior like she is, who believes in and fights for good. Someone like Robin Hood. It would really, really suck for Mulan if they started setting her up with Robin and then Regina came in and ruined it. I want Regina to be romantically happy with someone, too, like how you feel so bad for her in that scene back in Neverland where Rumpel and she are instructing Ariel and Rumpel sees that she’s jealous of having someone like he has Belle. Regina truly only has Henry, and now he’s been so cruelly ripped away from her, though they must bring them back together. But you know, I think she could do well with Hook, I really do.
Oo, and on romances I want together, I also want Grumpy/Dreamy and Nova to finally get together! I’ve been waiting so long for them to come back to that. I think they had such a beautiful romance and that Dreamy should’ve let Nova give up her wings if that’s what she really wanted to do. I mean, it’s really her choice, and I think she should be able to choose not to be a fairy if she wants to. The writing people just started that romance and they haven’t gotten back to it, and I hope they do. I want Grumpy to be able to be Dreamy again. Maybe Rumpel can help set him up with Nova as a way of thanks for Grumpy helping give Belle her memories back again. There could be a really weird, cool friendship between them. I ship Dreamy and Nova almost as much as I ship Emma and Neal who I ship almost as much as I ship Rumbelle, they just aren’t in the show as much and I wish they would be more. Then they can sail off and have adventures together and see the world! Rather like Ariel and what's-his-name-oh-yeah Eric.
You know, three paragraphs ago I was trying to start my conclusion. But I’m glad I remembered to go through all these other things. This post turned out to be mostly about ships, didn’t it? I guess a lot of this show is about romance, but there are lots of other wonderful things in it, too. It’s just that it seems the ships are the topics of the hottest debates. Speaking of ships, I really want to ride an epic ship like Hook’s through a magic bean portal like this one:
from, a site which has many cool Once gifs, or moving picture things, as I am in the habit of referring to them. It does take forever to load, but I think it's worth it.
So, I think that pretty much covers my hopes and dreams for the coming season. This is one of those rare blog posts that actually gets to be fully as long as I want it to be and where I get to cover everything I was planning to. And I’m looking forward to Once coming back TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!! I’M READY FOR THE EPICNESSSSS!!!!!! Are you?
We beyond the violet mist are braced and ready to embark upon an epic adventure.
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