Friday, October 21, 2011

Postcard from a Cafe': Bottles
   This week, in class, we took pictures of a still life we sat up with bottles. I named my picture 'Postcard from a Cafe' ' because I thought it looked like one once I added this postcard texture. The E with an ' after it is supposed to serve as an accent aigu, because there is no insert symbol option, which greatly bothers me. I ran the coffeeshop storybook vintage action and used two textures, and after I applied my textures I ran the action one more time to make it a litter darker and softer, and the vignette got clearer. I chose this picture because I like the feel of the setup, the smooth shapes of the bottles I used, and the general romantic feel I get from this picture. I like the shapes of the bottles, but I probably could've used the rule of thirds a little better, though I think that the postcard texture helps my composition some. The people of the violet mist send you greetings from a romantic Parisian cafe'...

(I commented on Tayler's)

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