Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Mom and Nature
My mom here models some interesting artifacts we chanced upon the other day in my grandparents' cow pasture: a fallen birds' nest and a giant mushroom from the side of a tree. My mother is holding these little excerpts from nature, showing the interesting things we found. I chose this picture because my mom is smiling nicely and naturally, and I thought the pose was nice. I only ran Perfect Portrait Three, and of course fiddled with all the layers. One thing that bugs me is that I accidentally made her left eye significantly darker than her right, making her eyes seem uneven. I might've overdone the eye coloration a bit, as well as some of the definition on some things and the skin tone adjustments just weren't quite right. However, I like how vivid the props are, as it makes them stand out and look cool and vivid. I also still really like her smile, and the colors on her t-shirt were nice before but are even brighter now that I've run the action. Thank you, Mom, for being my muse this week! We went on a nature hunt beyond the violet mist today.

I commented on Tyler's

1 comment:

  1. violet, I don't think the her eye color is uneven at all. I just think that its the reflection of her glasses messing with the action. Very nice photograph.
