the Shiny Pencil Sharpener and the Word Spasm
The school: inside and out. That is what we set out to capture this Wednessday. I took pictures that showed the school itself better, but I also messed with my camera and some reflections in a shiny pencil sharpener in the computer lab, and these were the ones I liked best, because I thought they were creative and different from what others would do, and I felt a pencil sharpener is an effective symbol of school. I chose this of the pencil sharpener pictures because it shows my camera and hand nicely, and I like the depth the layers of the sharpener add. I ran Ashley's clean actions, and, because my photo was quite vague at first, duplicated the background copy to make my image extra sharp and I increased contrast to 100 to make my camera show up brightly and also increased saturation a little, though not too much as it made my hand red. Then I flattened it and added... my wordle spasm! I love all my color and variety on my picture, how bright and colorful it turned out, and I feel like it does say something about school. Also, I like my French words because I feel they add linguistic depth. I would have liked to know another language, like German or Norwegian, for even more variety, but the French is nice. A quick translation of my french, from the top, left to right, starting with mon coeur: my heart, the teacher, my cat, an apple, the school. However, I may have overdone it a taaad bit with my spasmatic wordle. As much as I love my many font colors, sizes, and shapes, they do make it a little... busy. This is almost a better representation of my mind than school. Almost. Another thing: I didn't ask Mrs. Riehle how to rotate things until the very end when I was almost finished, so I didn't rotate much. It may have been better with things going all directions, but then again I may have given someone a seizure. Word spasms flourished today beyond the violet mist.
(I commented on Tyler's)