Post I am too distraught to give a proper title
Presently I am distraught. I am so distraught I could not even think of a real title for this blog post. I want to weep and cast my computer upon the floor with great force and scream and moan and freak out and roll on the floor in agony and beg for help. Does anyone, anyone out there in the wide blog world know how to un-delete a post? In this moment, how greatly I despise thee, o bedrattled internet! <swoons overdramatically like a southern belle. Hopefully at this point my blog readership metaphorically runs to my side to aid me>
I think I accidentally deleted my Rumbelle post. Which suuuuuuucks. It sucks soo badly. I was using my grandma's laptop and I'm not that familiar with its finger-mousepad-thing, and I was trying to edit my Rumbelle post, because, well, the post I was going to do tonight was going to be the follow-up post for my original Rumbelle post, possibly with a digression into what I'm calling, "the most awkward double date ever", and so I was looking back at and just reading over my original Rumbelle post, and I saw a little thing I wanted to edit. Strictly speaking it wasn't even a grammatical error, it was just something I wanted to change to make it sound nicer, and so I clicked the little "edit" pencil, and then... I don't know what happened. I saw the post open, and then I clicked something and I backspaced what I was changing, and my grandma's mousepad went all weird, and all the text in the post editor was suddenly gone, and I freaked out and panicked and closed the tab, and then I was like, "wait, gosh, I shouldn't've done that", and I re-opened it, and I hit "undo" again and again, and also control z like a bunch of times, and then under "posts" I hit "revert to draft", and it still wouldn't come back, and now there’s a post still where the Rumbelle post’s supposed to be, but it’s just empty. I saw on the main page of my blogger account under the feed of the blogs I follow (yes, I do follow my own blog) the beginning of my beloved Rumbelle post was still there, but when I clicked "more", it came up with my "this page no longer exists" message (which I recently learned how to customize, which is pretty cool, but it's still frustrating to come up against it (if you want to see my awesome error message, just go to, the URL of my dearly departed post)). I went back in my history and tried to find it, then we came home and I went in my school laptop's history and tried to find it, but it was nowhere to be found--I either got the "no longer exists" message or my post editor with the unnervingly empty post.
I then proceeded to spend, like, an hour on the internet floundering around and desperately trying to find any way possible to restore my lost post, but to no avail. I read a bunch of blogger help articles, marked nearly all of them “not at all helpful” and left comments like, “PLEASE somebody tell me how to get a post I accidentally deleted back!!!” on all of them, and I searched all my internet history, and I read random how-to articles on the internet. An article on cached webpages in your history sounded promising, but I couldn’t figure out how to find these cached pages. Even if I could just see a picture of my post, I’d be happy to re-type it all if I could only get it back. I’ve been trying to recreate my Rumbelle post from memory and from what I’ve found of it (basically that bit of the intro from my post-follower), but it’s going to be really annoying to have to redo it. That’s probably what I’ll have to do, though.
If you have any vague half-inkling of a clue to an idea that might possibly in some way lead me to being able to recover my lost blog post, I beseech and implore you, do not allow yourself to hesitate the slightest bit from sharing it with me in the comments on this post, or by finding me in person and instructing me on how to recover it. HELP ME!!!! AAAAA!!!!!! I want my Rumbelle back :’(
I guess I’ll plan on posting my re-creation of my post some time next week in addition to my 3 weekly posts. At least this post of stress and outrage was rather quick to write.
Things I have learned from this:
1. I shall back up all blog posts from hereon out in a google doc and/or word doc (google docs have revision history and so in this way are preferable to word docs, but google docs are on the ever-fickle internet) (I’m typing this presently in a google doc)
2. I know it’s here on out, not hereon out, but I like hereon out, and so I’m going to use it simply because I can. I also know this isn’t something I’ve learned and so it doesn’t even belong in this list, but it still seemed like the best place to put it.
3. When people say that things you put on the internet never ever go away, they’re lying. The internet’s not nearly that safe or reliable. (Not to say you shouldn’t still be careful what you post on the internet, but you should also not trust the internet to not lose your stuff.)
4. I hate the internet. I love it and it’s useful and an indispensable tool and all that, but I absolutely despise it right now. Curse and bedrattle thee, o internet! (Bedrattle is one of the words I’ve invented. I should do a post on those words at some point, and on my language.)
Today tragedy struck beyond the violet mist, and we lost something precious and beloved, unless you, o blog readership, can help us recover it.
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