Top Secret
read with caution and become privy to these secrets at your own personal risk
What you are about to read is highly secretive and it is of the utmost importance that you handle it with the most delicate care. I am not responsible for any consequences the possession of this knowledge may or may not entail for you.
The violet mist and the Lande, or Landes, arbitrarily divided, beyond it, are ancient, secretive, mysterious, and very powerful. They cannot be reached save by those who already live there, upon the back of a unicorn (one who is not a participant in the conspirist movement lead by Fluffy (most preferably one of the dusty rose variety, as it shall get you farther)), through one of only five portals, six of which are on the planet Pluto, or with the aid of a Faerie, which, good luck getting that, as they presently have more important matters with which to deal given the tumult their Lande is in after the most recent occurrences Regardless of your insanely important and weighty decision as to which mode of transport to utilize, any of these methods will only take you so far as the edge of the violet mist, a shimmering, seemingly tangible aurora effect laid upon the ground and luminescing deeply from an unknown (to all but me and my select advisors) but clearly magical source. If you wish to enter my Lande, you must cross through this. Once again I sarcastically offer you good luck. After all, if I wished sincere good luck to all readers of my blog, your odds of reaching my Lande would be much better. I can't very well have a flood of tourists flocking to my ancient, secretive, mysterious, power-filled Lande, now can I? Only the truly adventurous can pass through the violet mist. It is a quest all its own to merely muster the courage to step within its bounds. The places within the violet mist are beyond description, and though I posses the power to describe them, I won't anyway, as if you are to enter them, your adventure is your own and I don't want to ruin the surprise, of course. I will give you one hint.
Use it wisely.
Within the confines of the violet mist, you must walk in circles. It is the only way you can hope to get where you are going.
I shall say no more.
I will tell you this much, though: my Lande beyond the violet mist is well worth reaching. In it, we have many wonders. Obviously, I can't tell you much about these, either. I can probably safely tell you that our principal city does have a magnificent library, which also contains a great plethora of deep secrets, though not always where you expect. The library is also inhabited by cats, the number of which rivals the number of secrets contained therein. There may also be one or a few hundred secret passages in the library. There are other buildings as well, but I may have said too much even in telling you of the library.
Our forest is a wonder all its own. Over half the land is covered in it, and it is where most, and the most interesting, creatures live. Many mysteries fill the forest, as well; what sort of Lande would it be if the forest was not dark yet light and constantly mysterious? We have grand mysterious castles; we have shimmering, magical flowers. Come to think of it, there is scarce a thing in the Lande that is not mysterious and ancient and magical. Perhaps the tree linking to the eighth portal on Pluto. It's less mysterious now since it spontaneously combusted last week. But then again, that is mysterious, isn't it?
Our forest is a wonder all its own. Over half the land is covered in it, and it is where most, and the most interesting, creatures live. Many mysteries fill the forest, as well; what sort of Lande would it be if the forest was not dark yet light and constantly mysterious? We have grand mysterious castles; we have shimmering, magical flowers. Come to think of it, there is scarce a thing in the Lande that is not mysterious and ancient and magical. Perhaps the tree linking to the eighth portal on Pluto. It's less mysterious now since it spontaneously combusted last week. But then again, that is mysterious, isn't it?
I don't know for certain, but I may have just conceived the basis of an intriguing new novel. By the way, this is all copyrighted to me and such. Thieves shall be cast into the violet mist with no circles available. Beyond the violet mist, we await you, dear adventurers.
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