Now that I no longer have a digital camera class, I won't be able to update this blog as regularly. What I intend to do, however, is gradually redo the assignments I feel I could've done better. My better image will be in a new post with its own explanation, and I will note with which assignment the new picture corresponds. I'll start with the oldest ones and work towards the newer ones. However, I won't be editing them as I don't have Photoshop. Once I'm satisfied with those, I'll start making up my own assignments and pictures. I will also continue to update my 'monthlies', my cat of the month, quotes of the month, and random fact thing of the month, which I have done today (a little late, but I did them), so be sure to watch those. The people from beyond the violet mist are returning, swooping in on beams of sun and unfurling with young flowers...
need to add another post