Monday, August 29, 2011

Sweetie, Some Flowers, and a Blue Snow Shovel:
my first picture

I had a lot of different pictures I planned, including several still-lifes of my mother's glassware and several of a tree, but this one of my cat just struck me as looking really neat. My cat (named Sweetie) is black and white, and the snow shovel in the background is blue. It just worked out and I felt it expressed the theme to me. I also like the vivid colors created by the saturation I added. And so you have your first glance beyond the veil of violet mist....

(I commented on Tori's)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Variety of Things, or My First Assignment: A Scavenger Hunt

What would our world be like without photography?
If photography had never been invented, many of the injustices in the world would not have been brought out of their dark corners by pictures taken by brave photojournalists that moved people to move governments to action, and the injustices would still exist. People who were inspired by photos that changed their lives would still be living lives unchanged and uninspired. Also, the internet as we know it would likely not exist. The world of photos would still hide behind the mysterious violet mist.
But, thanks to photography, many sites of photos exist. I have explored a few of different genres below....
       *Fine Art- Still Lifes:
*Fashion Photography:
*Commercial Photography: